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Bibliografía sobre el wadi

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Bibliografía general sobre el lugar

Arbuckle MacLeod, C., & Cooney, K. M. (2019). “The layered life of JE26204: The construction and reuse of the coffins of Henuttawy”. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 2(105), 285-296.

Aston, D. (2013). “TT 320 and the KAy of Queen Inhapi—A Reconsideration Based on Ceramic Evidence”. GM, 236, 7-20.

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Aston, D. A. (2015). Three early Eighteenth Dynasty Queen’s tombs in the vicinity of Deir el-Bahari.

Belova, G. (2000). “TT320 and the history of the royal cache during the twenty-first Dynasty”. En Hawass, Z. y Lyla, P.B: (Eds.), Egyptology at the down of the twenty-first century: Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologist (Vol. 1, pp. 73-80). American University Cairo Press.

Bickerstaffe. (2005). “The Royal Cache Revisited”. Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum, 10, 10-25.

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Cavillier, G. (2013). “Progetto «Butehamon»: Missione archeolocica del Centro «J. F. Champollion» di Genova a Luxor, I campagna—Novembre 2011”. Ricerche italiane e scavi in Egitto, 6, 97-104. OEB.

Cavillier, G. (2016). “The Butehamon Project: Coptic «traces and paths» in the Theban necropolis”. En P. Buzi, F. Contardi, y A. Camplani (Eds.), Coptic society, literature and religion from late antiquity to modern times: Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th-22nd, 2012 and plenary reports of the Ninth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo, September 15th-19th, 2008 (Vol. 2, pp. 1495-1500). Peeters; OEB.

Cavillier, G. (2017a). “Progetto Butehamon: Prospettive e ricerche nella necropoli tebana”. En M. C. Guidotti & G. Rosati (Eds.), Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence Egyptian Museum, Florence, 23-30 August 2015 (pp. 92-102). Archeopress; OEB.

Cavillier, G. (2017b). “The Butehamun Project: Research on the funerary equipment”. En H. Guichard y A. Amenta (Eds.), Proceedings First Vatican Coffin Conference 19-22 June 2013 (Vol. 1, pp. 97-100, 576-577). Edizioni Musei Vaticani; OEB.

Cavillier, G. (2018a). “Il «Progetto Ushabti»: Prospettive e ricerche”. En C. Basile y A. Di Natale (Eds.), Atti del XVI Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia: Siracusa, 29 settembre—2 ottobre 2016 (pp. 61-64). Istituto internazionale del papiro – Museo del Papiro.

Cavillier, G. (2018b). “Progetto Kay”. Ricerche italiane e scavi in Egitto, 7, 29-31. OEB.

Cavillier, G. (2019). “A proposito della mummia «scomparsa» dello scriba Butehamon: Osservazioni e nuove prospettive di ricerca nel Museo Egizio di Torino”. En C. Basile y A. Di Natale (Eds.), Atti del XVII Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia: Siracusa, 28 settembre—1 ottobre 2017 (pp. 55-68). Istituto internazionale del papiro – Museo del papiro «Corrado Basile»; tyche; OEB.

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Cooney, K. M. (2019). “Patterns of coffin reuse from Dynasties 19 to 22”. En H. Strudwick & J. Dawson (Eds.), Ancient Egyptian Coffins: Past—Present—Future (pp. 96-108). Oxbow Books.

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Daressy, G. (1909). Cercueils des cachettes royales. Impr. de l’IFAO; OEB.

Demichelis, S. (2000). “Le phylactère du scribe Boutehamon: P. Turin Cat. 1858”. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, 100, 267-273. OEB.

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Emberling, G., y Davis, S. (2019). Graffiti as devotion along the Nile and beyond. (Vol. 16). Kelsey Museum of Archaeology; OEB.

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Goelet, O. (2016). “Tomb robberies in the Valley of the Kings”. En R. H. Wilkinson y K. R. Weeks (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of the Valley of the Kings (pp. 448-466). Oxford University Press.

Graefe and Belova (eds.), Belova, G., Bickerstaffe, D., Hawass, Z. A., y Majlis al-Aʿlá lil-Āthār. (2010). The Royal cache TT 320: A re-examination. Supreme Council of Antiquities.

Graefe, E. (1999). “Die königliche Cachette TT 320 von Deir el-Bahri: Nachgrabungen im berühmtesten Königsmumienversteck Ägyptens”. Antike Welt, 30(4), 369-374.

Graefe, E. (2003). “The royal cache and the tomb robberies”. En Strudwick, N. y Taylor, J.H. (Eds.), The Theban necropolis: Past, present and future (pp. 38-42). British Museum Press.

Graefe, E. (2004). “Final reclearance of the royal mummies cache, DB320”. KMT, 3(15), 48-63.

Graefe, E. (2016). “Les deux cachettes de Deir el-Bahri (1881, 1891) et autres cachettes funéraires”. En L. Coulon (Ed.), La Cachette de Karnak: Nouvelles perspectives sur les découvertes de Georges Legrain (pp. 71-86). Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities; Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale.

Graefe, E., y Belova, G. (2006). The royal cache TT 320: New investigations 1998, 2003 and 2004. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte, 80, 207-220.

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Habicht, M. E., Bouwman, A. S., y Rühli, F. J. (2016). “Identifications of ancient Egyptian royal mummies from the 18th Dynasty reconsidered”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, S61(159), 216-231.

Habicht, M. E., Henneberg, M., Öhrström, L., Staub, K., y Rühli, F. J. (2015). “Body height of mummified pharaohs supports historical suggestions of sibling marriages”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 3(157), 519-525.

Harris, J. E., y Wente, E. F. (Eds.). (1980). An X-ray atlas of the royal mummies. The University of Chicago Press.

Harris, J.E. (1990). “Who was who in room 52? A biologic view of the royal mummies in the Egyptian Museum”. KMT, 1(2), 38-42.

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Hawass, Z. A., y Saleem, S. N. (2016). Scanning the Pharaohs: CT imaging of the New Kingdom royal mummies. American University in Cairo Press.

Ikram, S. (2000). “An overlooked occupant of the royal mummies cache: The pet gazelle of one of the Pinudjem ladies”. KMT, 2(11), 58-61.

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Lull, J. (2017). “Das Problem des qAj der Inithapi und seiner Identifikation mit DB 320, das Grab von Painedjem II”. Aula orientalis, 35(1), 149-165. OEB.

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El valle C2 (señalado). Situación en el corazón de la necrópolis tebana.